1.incorporate (verb)
A.To unite into one being express in words ,to put in words ask about persuade(especially doing something wrong),to tempt
Eg-The artist incorporated paint,photographs,and fabric into her artwork
2.revolt work,to Perform explain by using pictorial examples ,to show by using visual examples rebel to turn against,to feel disgust stick
Eg.It was the Peasants who revolted during the French revolution.
B.loving lie next to to disperse in liquid
Eg-You wont’t have a long walk between classes because the engineering building is adjacent to the chemistry laboratories.
4.Benign (Adjective)
A.capable of moving with ease,able to speak another language
B.of marriage,martial relationship
D.productive,bearing or capable of bearing fruitin large quantities.
Eg-The Doctor Removed a benign tumor from my neck and I went home the same day.
5.Motion [Noun]
A.the labor of carrying boats across land who believes that any ultimate reality is unknowable
C.avt of moving ,action
D.a place where one goes to hear something
Eg-many people find the motion of a rocking chair soothing.
6.Invent (verb) hold back a decision turn around look at again,to reexamine
D.To create through thought or imagination
Eg-Alexander graham Bell invented the telephone and other devices.
A. something which acts or acts upon something else
B. a Support for a column or other structure ,a base for something
C. Community ,the relationship among individuals living or working in a common area,companionship
D.the regular action of blood through arteries
Eg-The nurse felt for the patient’s Pulse in her neck
A. not affected by time ,without beginning or end, ceaseless
B. favorable
C. too ready to believe
D. conforming to standards,good,kind
Eg- The credulous child believed the story about flying horses
9.Confide (verb)
A. to trust, to trust another person with a secret
B. to remember an important event though ceremony or observation
C. to write quickly or carelessly
D. to keep going, to remain
Eg- Joan confided in her friend and told her a secret
10. isolate (verb)
A. to train, to provide schooling for
B. to kill off , to get rid of
C. to pretend
D. to separate from others, to place something by itself
Eg- The sick cat was isolated from the other animals.
A. at the same time, at the same pitch
B. a sale of goods to the highest bidder
C. the study of diseases
D. hostility, ill will
Eg- I bought this car at the auction
12.excursion (noun)
A. a trip
B. a Idea
C. a layer
D. an unplanned event
Eg- The father Planned an excursion to the zoo for his children.
13. Sequence (noun)
A. a continuous series
B. a thing doesn’t exist something made up
C. quality of being worthy , noble , honored
D. shape, pattern, drawing
Eg- The sequence of of events were as follows: first we had dinner , then we went to the movies , and then we went for ice cream.
14. Corpulent (adjective)
A. arranged in order of time
B. large in area, wide
C. having a large body
D. able to move
Eg- The Corpulent politician jabbed a fat finger in the air
15.Stance (noun)
A. money payable yearly
B. breathing
C the yearly celebration of an event
D. a way of standing ,a position in which someone stands
Eg- "she altered her stance, resting all her weight on one leg"
16. amiable (adjective)
A. capable of changing or adapting or useful
B. easily broken ,not strong
C. marked by feeling or emotion
D. friendly, agreeable , pleasant manner
Eg- He seems to be an amiable boy
17. naïve (adjective)
A. following in an unbroken order
B. lack of experience , not knowledgeable of the word
C. capable of following ,a smooth style , liquid
D. written ,drawn, vividly shown
Eg-"the rather naive young man had been totally misled"
18. benevolent (adjective)
A. marked by goodwill, well meaning and kindly
B. can be heard
C. lesser, less important
D. having a child ,developing in the womb, with child”
Eg- "he was something of a benevolent despot"
19. Capable (adjective)
A. being alone
B. formed into a body or association, united in one group
C. yearly
D. having the ability to do something or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing
Eg-"I'm quite capable of taking care of myself".
20. diffident (adjective)
A. possible, dependent on something else
B. necessary for life
C. hesitant in acting, shy
D. marked by a long period of time or recurrence
Eg- The Diffident student would not speak in front of the class.
20. Paradox (noun)
A. a Statement that seems to contradict itself but contains some truth
B. a place where things are made or built
C. a person who has previously occupied a position that another has taken over
D. an opportunity ; a happening ,instance
Eg- "the liar paradox"
21. terminal
A. relating to an end
B. holding or sticking to something
C. capable of being done
D. very small
Eg- "a freight terminal".
22. augment
A. to accept , to confess ,to allow entry
B. to provide with light ,to make lighter ,to make clear
C. to increase, to add to
D. to interrupt ,analyze or to understand
Eg- He had to augment his salary by taking another job.
23. adorn
A. to classify within general category
B. make more beautiful or attractive.
C. to say what something is like
D. to break or burst
Eg- "pictures and prints adorned his walls"
24. Passion (noun)
A. a strong feeling or emotion
B. a search, the act of seeking
C. a stage in a process, a mark indicating quality
D. a piece broken off,a part of something
Eg-"a man of impetuous passion".
25. Impetuous
A. not done yet
B. thinking about it
C. acting or done quickly and without thought or care.
D. slowly
Eg-"she might live to rue this impetuous decision".