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Thursday, 18 July 2019

Common adjectives and their opposites

             Common adjectives and their opposites

Common adjectives and their opposites

What are adjectives?

Adjectives are describing words.
A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
Adjectives are words we use to describe the noun. Simple words like "warm" and "fat" are adjectivescommonly used in writing. One can make adverbs from some adjectives by adding the suffix ly.

Example: 1. take the adjective "beautiful," the adverb is beautifully.
                 2. 1. take the adjective "Perfect," the adverb is perfectly.

Adjectives  Examples: Good, bad, young and old are all adjectives.

We can use adjectives to describe people:

§  young girl

  She is young.
§  An old woman
 She is old.

We can use adjectives to describe places:

§  big city
 New York is a big city.
§  beautiful country
 Austria is a beautiful Country.

Here are some adjectives and their opposites:

Adjective opposites
adjective / opposite
cold hot
Ice-cream is cold.
Soup is hot.
big small
Elephants are big animals.
Cats are small animals.
old young
Tom is 80. He's old.
Sara is 18. She's young.
old new
Rome is an old city.
My car is new.
lovely horrible
Mmm . . . this food is lovely
Yuk! My food is horrible!
dry wet
The Sahara Desert is dry.
Rain forests are wet.
fast slow
Tigers are fast animals.
Tortoises are slow animals.
Here are 12  more common English adjectives for beginners:
Adjective opposites
adjective / opposite
happy sad
He always smiles because he is happy.
He never smiles: he’s sad (unhappy).
healthy unhealthy
Fruit and vegetables are healthy.
Smoking is unhealthy.
rich poor
Bob is a millionaire. He's rich.
Tom has no money. He's poor.
long short
The street has 300 houses: it’s long.
The meeting was short – only ten minutes.
expensive cheap
This wine is expensive – $40 a bottle!
This wine is cheap – only $4 a bottle.
heavy light
20 kg? This bag is heavy!
2 kg? This bag is light!

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