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Monday, 30 May 2016

Excuses for Being Late Because of the Traffic, Family Problems and more

Excuses for Being Late Because of the Traffic, Family Problems and much more!!!!!!!!


You’re late, you’re flustered and in a panic about how your boss is going to react when you get to work or how your mother-in-law is going to feel about you missing the birthday cake. We’ve all been late at one point in our lives and it’s important to have a store of excuses for when you are in trouble!
These excuses that we have ever so graciously put together for you will get you out of any situation you’re put in. Be careful not to use them too often though, people will start realising that you are making up excuses! The other option of course is to be on time and punctual, but who really has the time and the patience to do that?.
Let’s take a look at the categories by which  we are going to classify our excuses:
  1. Traffic
  2. Family problems
  3. Alarm clock
  4. Public transport
  5. Car problems
  6. Police problems
  7. Doctor’s appointment
  8. Weather
So, let’s get started!


Traffic can ruin anyone’s day.
If you have to drive long distances to get to work it’s likely that you will run into traffic, which is when cars, buses and other vehicles have to form long lines due to the amount of people trying to use the roads. You can spend hours of your life sat in traffic, isn’t that sad?
So, if you don’t want to cycle or walk to work here is a sample dialog of an excuse using traffic.

Stuck in traffic
When you have to drive slowly or stop because of the number of vehicles on the road.
A large road that is designed for lots of vehicles to travel at high speed.
When traffic is so bad that cars cannot move.
Rush hour
An extremely busy period on the roads when people are travelling to work or running errands. This is usually at 8 AM and 5 PM.
Traffic incidents
Bad things that have happened to cause traffic, this could be a car accident or an animal might be on the road.
Traffic updates
Usually on the radio or television, there are presenters that watch the traffic and give people news on which roads are busy. This means that people can avoid traffic.
Alternative route
A different way of getting to a destination and avoiding traffic.


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